• Website: https://nymphium.github.io
  • GitHub: https://github.com/Nymphium


I'm a full-time software engineer working at Kanmu, Inc.. My interests lie in functional programming languages and their mechanisms, especially program conversion, control operators, delimited continuation, and algebraic effects.

Engineering Skills


  • OCaml
  • Lua
  • Haskell
  • Scala
  • JavaScript
  • Racket
  • Scheme
  • Ruby


  • Linux


  • Git (locally, GitHub, BitBucket)

  • Zsh

  • Vim/Neovim

Main works


llix is meta-circular Lua interpreter with exception and delimited continuation mechanism. The interpreter uses CPS as intermediate representation to manage contexts. Here is a presentation.


Opeth is Lua VM 5.3 Bytecode optimizer and debug tools.

Lua VM is not documented officially while the source code is opened. For implementing Opeth, I read VM's source code.

Opeth has an optimizer, bytecode visualizer, step-by-step instruction interpreter, based on global data/control -flow analysis, and, assembly-like language compiled to the bytecode.

Here is a report.


Pnyao is a PDF management system. It adopts server-client method The server uses play framework and you can access with web browser as client.

Eff.lua & Ruff

Eff.lua and Ruff are libraries that provide one-shot algebraic effects. These libraries are based on our research which translates one-shot algebraic effect handlers to (full, or namely stackful) asymmetric coroutines. Ruff has algebraic effects with subtyping on effects.


こんにちは、びしょ〜じょです。これは型Advent Calendar 2019の9日目の記事の記事です。空いてるので9日目にタイムスリップして前日に続いて記事を突っ込みました。実際の記事はこちら...


Bachelor: College of Information Science, University of Tsukuba, 04/2013 ~ 03/2018

I researched about intermediate representation about compiler for functional language. In this research I designed the intermediate language for impure functional language and optimization for them.

Bachelor thesis: 合流点を追加したコンパイラ中間言語の設計と検証

Graduate school: same as above, 04/2018 ~ 03/2020

We investigated the relationship between asymmetric coroutines and algebraic effects.

Work career

  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Part-time, 09/2014 ~ 02/2015.
  • AgilePoint Japan, Part-time, 05/2015 ~ 11/2018.
  • HERP, inc. Part-time, 11/2018 ~ 03/2020, and full-time, 04/2020 ~ 03/2023
  • Linux Development head office, Fujitsu, as an internship, 09/2015 ~ 10/2015
  • Kanmu, inc. Full-time, 04/2023 ~ Present


『つくってかんたんVM-Based Interpreter』 from 『Dragon University 技術書典5』

This column focuses on how to design virtual machine-based interpreter and implement it. You can learn the formalization of the VM state and the compilation rules from the source to the instruction sequence.

The book gives an implementation of toy language.

技術書典5で配布した「Dragon University 技術書典5」のPDF版です。 ※紙媒体を持っている場合は別場所でダウンロードできるように作業中です。お待ち下さい。 記事一覧: GLSLでリアルタイムレンダリングするカド - @rairyugo GANとの付き合い方 デプロイ編 - @rizaudo CTF 問題で学ぶcurl SSRF Hacks - @xrekkusu つくってかんたんVirtual Machine-based Interpreter - @nymphium 動作環境 Acrobat Proで互換性を確認したPDFです。EPUBは対応未定です。

『Let's go Algebraic Effects and Handlers: from an introduction to advanced topics』

This column introduces algebraic effects and handlers by examples, containing delimited controls, and talk about the advanced topics.

Dragon Universityも今回で4回目、今回は人気のAlgebraic Effectsやスマートコントラクト・SGXに加えCORE(本当に人気か?)の各種解説記事が揃ってます! 「Let’s go Algebraic Effects and Handlers: from an introduction to advanced topics」 「スマートコントラクトCTF入門」 「SGX-ROP 不完全解説」 「CORE で作るテストベッド」
